25 Recovery Quotes That Inspire Sobriety

To an addicted brain, the easiest way to overcome the struggles of sobriety is to just use again. Treating addiction often means helping an addict recognize this thought process and subvert it, using sobriety as an opportunity to grow and change. In one way, how to relax your mind after a ridiculously hard day at work this includes helping recovering addicts create their own motivating factors. If you feel like your relationship with alcohol needs an overhaul, you’ve got plenty of company. You are not the first person to seek recovery from a substance abuse disorder.

  1. They have to find ways to replenish their neurotransmitters and nourish their nervous system in an effective, healthy way.
  2. Many people in addiction are torn between their love for their family, and the compulsive nature of addiction.
  3. Michael Botticelli is a recovering alcoholic and former Director of Drug Policy for the Obama Administration.
  4. Being able to apply their bad experiences in such a transformative way provides them with the drive and motivation to hold onto their prize of sobriety.
  5. Getting sober will remove some chaos and stress, but staying sober will require finding a balance between self-care and external responsibilities.

Milano laid out sticky notes for each month of sobriety, pairing each with a handwritten motivational message. On Sunday, the TV personality — who now goes by her birth name Angela White — posted a video on Instagram after reaching the milestone, coming home to a surprise from her boyfriend, songwriter and rapper Derrick Milano. We create community for women seeking freedom from addiction, empowering them to thrive. Tony is a former addict who experienced homelessness and prison before turning his life.

Sobriety makes you brave.

Intrinsic motivation for sobriety is the impulse from an individual’s deep-seated desires or aspirations. Such motivation is often rooted in personal values or inherent interests in improving one’s quality of life. It inspires a commitment to sobriety that is more meaningful and likely to be more sustainable when compared to external motivations. It could be anything, from a sunny day to having their favorite meal on their birthday. This simple practice consistently highlights the positive aspects of life, giving them more mental space than negative thoughts and feelings.

Choose a Therapy

This commitment can increase the likelihood of long-term success, as individuals are driven by their values, desires, and personal aspirations. Intrinsic motivation promotes self-improvement and personal development, as individuals are driven to recover for their well-being and sense of accomplishment. This focus on personal growth can lead to greater resilience and adaptability during recovery. Staying sober requires a person to dive deeper and begin unraveling why they were using the substance, their triggers for relapse, and how to avoid falling into a pattern of use again. If you’ve been in the throes of addictive behaviors for some time, you may be used to chaos and high-stress situations. Getting sober will remove some chaos and stress, but staying sober will require finding a balance between self-care and external responsibilities.

Ways that residents reached out to fellow peers in distress were felt to facilitate motivation at individual and household levels. There is a serious need for research on the specific types of peer interactions that best facilitate motivation for different individuals. The content and intensity of peer interactions that are helpful might vary by resident characteristics (eg, age, sex, length of time in the residence, history of addiction and treatment, and severity of co-occurring problems). We also need information about destructive peer interactions that hinder motivation. As much as friends love and support us, maintaining an addicted person as part of the group can be overwhelming. People under the influence tend to act in ways that are contrary to the necessary give-and-take of relationships.

A huge part of the recovery process is to know when we need help and be humble enough to ask for it. There are also behavioral addictions such as gambling, sex, shopping, work, and video games. One of the most insidious addictions, often not recognized, is codependency. If you’re in distress about someone else’s addiction, this may be one to explore for yourself. Words like sobriety and addiction tend to conjure up extreme images, like people slumped in dark alleys or staggering around yelling and throwing bottles.

During recovery, your loved one must maintain daily healthy habits. This is not only to improve their own well-being but also to foster a calm environment for everyone around. It is driven by personal enjoyment or interest in a task rather than external rewards or recognition. Many opportunities are available for individuals who want to find a mentor or sponsor to help them through the early stages of recovery.

With the right mindset and tools, anyone can overcome addiction and live a better life. Remember, it’s never too late to start the journey towards recovery. Your loved one can overcome the most challenging obstacles and achieve long-lasting sobriety with the right motivation. … having instead of just a couple people they’ve got like this little town of peers here that are like-minded, that alcohol shakes: symptoms, causes, treatments, and remedies all have the same goal … we’ve got to leave our old places, people behind if we want to stay clean and sober. Although family and other types of pressure were viewed as motivation to enter the recovery home, over time these sources of pressure came to be experienced as beneficial reasons to maintain abstinence. As residents rebuilt their lives over time, they often got their families back.

Jolene coined the acronym NOURISH to talk about how gray area drinkers can ditch the alcohol and stay sober. When it comes to addiction recovery, creating structure can seem restrictive initially, but it’s pretty freeing. It keeps things organized and provides a sense of predictability in the turbulent journey to sobriety. In early recovery, your loved one may begin to feel physically and mentally exhausted. However, various strategies can help keep their motivation high even when setbacks occur. One of the participants gave an example from her own recovery experience in a SLH.

Sobriety Quotes – Quotes About Alcohol Abuse

Even if you have failed previously, relapsed, or are in a difficult crisis, we stand ready to support you. Our trusted behavioral health specialists will not give up on you. Call us when you feel ready or want someone to speak to about therapy alternatives to change your life. Even if we cannot assist you, we will lead you wherever you can get support. Many factors can trigger relapse among people in recovery, including cravings, memories and stress.

Think About the Health Risks of Drug Use

Support group meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous connect people who deal with behavioral problems caused by addiction. During meetings, participants share stories of their successes and failures during recovery. Listening to these testimonials and abiding by 12-step principles can inspire people to achieve or sustain sobriety. If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction or want to change your relationship with alcohol, check out our warm, welcoming Avalon community!

It is estimated that up to 80% of those who find long-term sobriety had at least one relapse along the way. Some people experience many how drinking affects the teenage brain setbacks before they find lasting recovery. Your intentions may be good, but it takes more than willpower to avoid having a relapse.

This simple act of focusing on the benefits goes a long way in helping you gain initial momentum and in avoiding emotional relapse once you’ve gotten sober. If you are struggling with other mental health issues or are looking for a specialist near you, use the Psychology Today therapist directory here to find a practitioner who specializes in your area of concern. Getting support doesn’t have to mean going to rehab, although that is an option. Support can also look like joining in-person and online support groups. One recent study demonstrated the potential benefits of combining in-person and online support methods. If you’re relying on a friend, family member, or someone else to hold you accountable and keep you from relapsing, you’re missing out on the growth and development that comes with recovery.

If you require a drug and alcohol counsellor or clinician experienced in trauma, PTSD, anxiety and other concerns I can refer out. Building a support network can take time, but the efforts are worth the benefits of having the right people in your life for your sobriety journey. Building a support network is one of the best things you can do to build a strong foundation for sober living. Professional support can look like bringing your healthcare provider into the conversation about your drug and alcohol use, seeking an in-person or online recovery program, or attending various therapy types. Common setbacks to getting and staying sober include withdrawal, craving, and pressure to use substances.

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